Red Clover Microgreens

A petite powerhouse of flavor and health benefits. Bursting with a mild, earthy taste and adorned with delicate red-tinged leaves, these microgreens are a culinary delight and a nutritional treasure. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, red clover microgreens not only elevate the visual appeal of your dishes but also contribute to your well-being.

Red Clover Microgreens Product
Red Clover Microgreens Packed near me

Nutrient data (85g raw) ++

Energy (kc) 25 kC
Protein 3 g
Fats 0.5 mg
Vitamin C 10%  DV
Iron 4%  DV
Fibre 8%  DV

++ Source : Internet

Great for Salads, Sandwiches, Soups, Wraps, Juices, Smoothies or on its own.

It's not the food in your life, Its the life in your food!